Thursday, December 20, 2007

That Time of Year

Many people will say that this is the time of year to exchange gifts, be with family, eat too much, think of others, etc. Yes it is, but, it also a good time to reflect on the previous year. In sales you can reflect upon your performance. Sometimes the performance is good and sometimes bad or not so good. You can start to figure out the things you need to improve. You need to be honest with yourself. I had a conversation today over lunch about evaluations. The superintendent and I agreed, that if you are honest with yourself about your own evaluation, you will give yourself a lower score than your own evaluator. So, when you are looking back on the year, give yourself time to think about all the things that you did. Find the processes that worked and try to improve them and stop the ones that won't or didn't work. Remember that a good definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

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