Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The season for politics is here. This post is not about who to vote for, but how I have seen politicians act. Recently at a meeting for one of the organizations that I belong to, a local politician was to speak. The board had scheduled the politician to speak several months in advance. They confirmed the speaker a month in a advance. Everything was fine and on schedule. The organization also confirmed it a week and a few days before the politician was to speak. Everything was good to go, so to speak. Then the day of the engagement something came up and it turns out that there was a conflict that prevented him from talking to the group. In reality, there was something political that was a hot topic that he knew he would have to address. The best thing for him to do was to have a staffer return a fourth attempt of a phone call stating he would not make it. The point of this is, that most politicians avoid anything that may be controversial and only deal with good things they can say they did. The only times that I find politicians talking about negative things is when they are pointing out someone else's deficiencies. I really have a dislike and a distrust of most politicians because of instances such as stated above. They seem to talk about responsibility and action but do neither, except to make their own jobs more secure.

I try not to be a politician in action or deed. I want to be how I am and appreciated that way. When in business, don't you want employees, customers and vendors to see you the as someone that can be trusted? Politicians do not have that fear because they know that no one will remember what they did in a few years or even a few months, unless it directly affected an individual and that person or small group will remember. In business, a customer may remember a deed done by someone else in your organization and harbor that resentment for years. In the real world of business, people are more forgiving if you deal with them honestly.

Just my 2 cents worth.