Thursday, March 27, 2008

Get Motivated

Today I went to the Get Motivated Seminar held at the North Charleston Coliseum. I was unsure how I would like it and it was much better than expected. I have summarized as best I could below. I have also placed the links to each of the speakers or at least something where you can find out more about them.

It started with Rick Belluzzo. He was informative about his business life and made many good points like "change provides opportunity", "every job matters - no impact too small" and "be proactive - find solutions to problems." From a business perspective, I thought he provided the best answers.

Dr. Robert Shuller was the second one to speak and he was a wonderful orator and he should be, since he is the preacher of the Crystal Cathedral. He explained what he went through in life to get to where he is. He says others can program you negatively. That when your perception changes, you change. I learned that lesson too some time ago, but it was nice hearing someone else state the same.

I would say that my favorite speaker of the day was Krish Dhanam. He worked on the emotions of mad, sad, glad. He tugged at the emotions of the audience with his stories. There were many things he said that I liked. "The American dream has no snooze button." "If you are happy, tell your face." I find that to be true when dealing with people, even on the phone. If you are not smiling or even content, then others may not have faith in what you are saying. "We remember the slaps and not the kisses." The best saying is something I think he got from Thoreau, "Everyone wants to build a castle in the air but not the foundation in the ground." Hhmm. Interesting.

Phil Town spoke of investing and how to invest in the stock market. Remember Rule #1. He has had an interesting life and has made the most of it. His ways of making money in the stock market, as I see it, are a bit more complicated than just buying for the long haul. I understood what he said, but I also realize how little I know about the market and investing.

Keith Craft was the next speaker. He also emceed and one of his daughters sang the National Anthem to start off the seminar. He is also a preacher. He spoke of having the right people in your life. 1. people who believe in you. 2. people who challenge you. 3. people who share your values. I couldn't say I disagree with him on any of his points.

The great Zig Ziglar spoke next. I remember seeing some of his tapes and listening to some. His presentation was done in an interview format with his daughter interviewing him. It was nice to hear him tell some old tales. He does not bounce and move around on the stage like he used to because of a household fall that he had some time ago.

The funniest speaker with an acerbic tongue was James Smith. He talked about real estate investing. He has seminars that can tell you how to make money in real estate. I found him entertaining and laughed frequently.

When Brian Tracy, whose tapes I have enjoyed and the first tapes that I listened to when I got into sales, gave his talk, I listened. I had only heard him on tape before. He has great sales tips. "Identify your weakness" and work on them. Selling is a recipe and you have the ingredients. Learn the proper recipe to succeed.

I enjoyed listening to Suze Orman. I think I enjoyed seeing and listening to her because she is on TV. Her advice is the advice that most people don't follow and it is the advice that everyone should follow. Get out of debt, all debt. Invest your money wisely and don't go back in debt. Like I said, most people do not follow that advice and complain that they have nothing.

The last one to talk was Don Burnham. He wrapped up the seminar with people leaving. I am guessing he is new to the circuit and they put him last knowing that he was going to compete with a dwindling crowd. He was representing the IAI, International Association of Investors.

All in all it was very well organized and presented. If you ever get the chance, go to it. Make the time to go to it. Enjoy it and you will be pleased with what you experienced.

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