Well as usual, I am about 6 weeks away from finishing my little flat bottom boat. I was 6 weeks away from finishing about 6 weeks ago, about 6 months ago and about a year ago. It is not that I haven't done anything on it. I have. It has just taken me longer than I thought. It is shaped somewhat like a Carolina Skiff. It is 15'6" long, about 5'6" wide at the center and about 18" deep. It is made of cypress planking which is fiberglassed. The thing I figured out about fiberglassing, when you aren't very good, is that you become really good at sanding and accepting things that look good enough. It has been an absolute fun project for me. The epoxy and fiberglass that I have been using is made by Raka. I found out about it from a buddy that also builds boats and he said he was going to use it on the next one he builds. If it is good enough for him, who actually knows how to epoxy, then it would be good enough for me. They have been a pleasure to order from. This is their link.
The two pictures are one without the seats, obviously, and one with what the configuration will be. Since the floor was not completely finished when I took the pics, the seats have come out and now I am finishing the floor. The deck will have the plywood to support the cypress planks. I can't wait to get it in the water to see if it floats.
But, then again, I won't know that for about 6 more weeks.
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